Review of The Runaway King

The Runaway King - Jennifer A. Nielsen

This book was excellent in terms of drawing the reader in, and providing just the right amount of excitement to keep the reader going. Jaron/Sage is pretty awesome for a urchin/pirate/King. His character is pretty near perfect when it comes to how he justifies his actions. I loved reading about him, Erick and Fink,  and although Jaron seems to be a master manipulator/thief etc. he still shows us his fears and vulnerabilities, and he still has weaknesses. The romance, if you want to call it that, is almost non-existent. While he obviously cares for Imogene, the romance is really his fight to protect her. I can't recall even a single kiss. Obviously this juvenile fiction was written for a younger audience, but given the amount of fighting and violence and injuries sustained, a little more romance would be nice. I'm excited to start on book 3 soon to see how these relationships progress or change.